Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills calls California’s SB 48 — the FAIR Education Act “...Indoctrination of children by a rogue government.”
The act is designed to allow CA children to be taught about LGBT and disabled figures in history. Specifically, children will learn FACTS about historic people ranging from disabilities to sexual orientation. The fear, of course is that LGBT individuals could be potential role models for children.
Revealing LGBT contributors to the fields of science, art, economics, and politics disrupts the narrative of the lonely, godless, homo.
"Culture changers for Jesus Christ"
That sends a shiver up my spine.
So... he believes that teaching tolerance from a young age goes against what jesus taught? What a moron.
Here's what I don't understand... Much like we dwell on people's skin color unnecessarily, why are we dwelling on people's sexuality? Does it matter that someone was white or black or gay or straight? Does it in any way add or detract from their contributions to their field? Why not just teach, "X did Y." Rather than "X, a gay black woman, did Y."
If folks really want us to look past gender, skin color, sexuality, or spirituality (or lack thereof) stop thrusting it in other people's faces and making every single conversation a conversation about those things.
That would be REAL progress, in my humble opinion. :)
@LadyPhoenix: In a perfect world, I agree with you, however, it is far from a perfect world.
It is unfortunate that this even needs to be proposed as a law, but singling out people based on their sexuality (or race, gender, etc.) to emphasize their contributions to society is, at the moment, necessary. The conservative, religious right actively demonizes people and in an education setting will ignore a specific person's accomplishments because of who they are. It isn't that the law's sponsors intend for SB 48 to teach "hey look at what this gay guy did!", but more so ensure that constibutions by LGBT people are not ignored.
I have no disagreement that, on its face, it seems like legistating minority agendas into education, but it is not the case. It is meant to combat the bias against certain people. At some point this should all be unecessary. When? Ohhh...I don't know...
To add to this point, in the current education system a teacher may refrain from providing students with controversial details about an individual in history that aligns them with a minority group. It is widely believed that Michelangelo was gay for example. That statement alone has no educational value until you discuss the "secret" that the Mona Lisa is hiding in the context of the societal norms of the time.
If we're talking about a perfect world, I'd prefer one that celebrates our differences rather than ignoring them. Thanks Ladyphoenix for sparking the conversation.
Agreed Adam. This has a no opt out policy for parents and was never voted on by the people of California. If we are going to spend millions in changing curriculum to put alleged information in textbooks ....I think we are wasting our money.
So I guess no one here would be opposed to schools mandatorily teaching about the contributions throughout history from those of a strong Christian faith? I mean, if we are all going to fight for equality, tolerance, and all that jazz.
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