Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Morning Stupid Quotes - Carl Paladino

Republican gubernational nominee for New York

"I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don't want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option -- it isn't."

"Instead of handing out the welfare checks, we'll teach people how to earn their check. We'll teach them personal hygiene ... the personal things they don't get when they come from dysfunctional homes. These are beautiful properties with basketball courts, bathroom facilities, toilet facilities. Many young people would love to get the hell out of cities. You have to teach them basic things — taking care of themselves, physical fitness. In their dysfunctional environment, they never learned these things."

"There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual. That's not how God created us."

"Don't misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. That would be a dastardly lie.