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Have a good weekend everyone! |
Exoplanet found...from another galaxy!
Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds
Hitchens on ABC Lateline
The absolute greatest future dystopia where liberals have won - This ranks right up there with Kirk Cameron movies for the ridiculousness. If I were to watch this, it is quite possible I will be unconscious and foaming at the mouth by the end.
US loses status as a 'colossus of science' - The slow erosion of knowledge and education in this country by anti-intellectuals is really, truly taking its toll.
Space–time invisibility cloak could 'edit history'
Acoustic Archaeology Yielding Mind-tripping Tricks - I selflessly volunteer myself for additional experimentation in this matter. FOR SCIENCE!
Jim Morrison May Get Posthumous Pardon - This link and my comment have nothing to do with this site, but I just wanted to say that I don't know when it became cool to knock The Doors and hate on Jim Morrison. I've noticed that lately and I have to say I don't like it. That is all. /steps off soapbox
New state rep: Confederate flag 'a symbol of Jesus Christ.' - Can you believe this guy is from New York? Ha just kidding, he’s from Arkansas.
Copper load of this! Company digging mine in Afghanistan unearths 2,600-year-old Buddhist monastery
McCain Moves The Goal Posts Again On DADT, Now Claiming The Pentagon Study Isn’t Good Enough - Ah yes, the old strategy of crapping on science while demanding new science on which to crap. Here is the study, by the way.
Change the Pledge: One Nation Under Allah?
Vikings Possibly Carried Native American Woman to Europe - Iceland is in Europe now?
Fox News: 'Heaven Is For Real' - I would love to rip on Fox for this even being a story, but other channels also broadcast this crap all the time. Having said that this is so ridiculous I can barely contain my disdain.
Humanists' 'holiday' ads attack God, Bible - Comparing atheists and the West Boro Baptist Church. Seems like a bit of a stretch...
Trapped Antimatter Could Help Spill Universe's Secrets
The gorgeous microbiology movie that's taken the world by storm
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