Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Link Dump 4/26/13


As always please direct questions, comments, suggestions, or discussion via email at Of course you can also find us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter @lefthemispheres.
Please subscribe to the podcast via iTunes and consider rating us or check us out on Libsyn.




Wish I would have thought of this as a kid.

via The Thinking Atheist

Wait for it...

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Left Hemispheres Podcast Ep. 17: Oh Islamophobia, you bad girl.

As always please direct questions, comments, suggestions, or discussion via email at lefthemispheres(at) Of course you can also find us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter @lefthemispheres.

Please subscribe to the podcast via iTunes and consider rating us or check us out on Libsyn.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Link Dump 4/19/13

Yeah it's been all over the Internet,
but it really just sums up the week. 
Boston Marathon
Of course everyone at LH is saddened by the senseless violence, the suffering it has caused and the ramifications that are yet to come. I do not want to provide a series of news links to articles about the attack that everyone has already read ad nauseum. I just want to provide one:

Atheists Giving Aid - Boston Marathon Tragedy

If you haven’t already donated, please consider doing so. There is no minimum (or maximum!) so please try to help the victims and their families out.  

Also, please consider also donating to the victims of the West Texas Explosion. It’s been a real shitty week, folks.

Ok. Onward.






This provided me a much needed laugh on Tuesday AM. Tony Gwynn  Jr. of the L.A. Dodgers expertly mocks a heckler.

Tony Gwynn Jr. Owns Heckler - Watch More Funny Videos

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Ocean "Anthropocentric"

I know the last Anti-Religion Radio song I posted (Ptolemy Was Wrong) was also The Ocean, but their two albums "Anthropocentric" and "Heliocentric" are too good to not promote. If you like prog metal, philosophy and history you should check them out. All two you of you that might like prog metal...

(the video kind of cuts out a tad early, but it's only a few seconds)

via Aenema8427

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Link Dump 4/12/13

Religion and Non
Society and Culture

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Derren Brown's Fear and Faith: Inducing Religious Experience

This is actually Part 2 in this series, but this one focuses on inducing a religious experience in a self-avowed atheist. The point is to explore how humans are hardwired for belief in the supernatural and how that leaves us prone to religious belief. Videos via ErmmTV.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Left Hemispheres Podcast Interview Ep02- Hemant Mehta

On March 25th, 2013, Nick interviewed Hemant Mehta at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  Hemant had been invited by the IUP Secular Student Alliance to speak about what an atheist, and particularly a young atheist, must deal with in the U.S.  More details, and a video of the talk can be seen here.  More from Hemant can be found on his blog, Friendly Atheist.

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Link Dump 4/5/13

Religion and Non
      There have been several attacks against "new atheists" lately.  They're all pap.  Here are a few articles to bring you up to speed.
Society and Culture

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Friendly Atheist Comes to Town

L toR: Co-President Caroline Speer, Faculty Advisor John Mueller,
 Hemant Mehta, Co-President Josiah Racchini
On March 25th, I traveled up to Indiana University of Pennsylvania, my alma mater.  The IUP Secular Student Alliance had invited Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist, to speak on the topic of being a young atheist in the US.  I had emailed him prior to see if he would be willing to do an interview, which he was.  It was strange coming back onto campus for an event like this.  I had tried unsuccessfully to start a group with CFI On Campus while I was a student there, so it was exciting to know that there was now an active group of freethinkers.  I met up with Hemant, and we recorded the interview, which I think went well (it will post as a podcast on April 8th). The SSA was kind enough to invite me out to dinner afterwards.  We discussed all the of the usual topics that you would expect from a group like this, and Hemant answered many questions about successfully blogging, organizing, and campus outreach.  It was an excellent night overall.  A big thanks to Hemant for coming to speak and doing the interview, as well as the IUP SSA for bringing him out, spreading the "good news", and including this guy in the action.