Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Link Dump 8/10/12

A Milestone & Many Thanks No need to click this link. We hit a milestone on Sunday with 250,000 hits. Coming up next week is our two year anniversary and we’ll put together a “best of” the past year like we did for our first year.

Evidence & Theory Explained - Revisited Why explaining the scientific method to those that reject it is likely pointless.

The Mars block of links:

The Next Generation of Mars Rovers Could Be Smaller Than Grains of Sand

Christian Sadism Proudly on Display  I looked up this church after I posted this and they’s a quote: "Our 'Soul' Purpose: To Catch, Clean and Clone Souls for Jesus Christ!"


Crazy Ol' Pat Robertson Strikes Again Atheists are to blame for the Milwaukee Sikh temple shooting, donchya know!

Rise of the new atheists “Ironically,’s the defenders of religion who are demeaning ordinary Americans. It’s they who are saying, implicitly, that the average person is irrationally stubborn and unintelligent and can’t be expected to respond rationally to criticism of their beliefs.”

Wrestling the Troll Sam Harris takes on his detractors and calls PZ out. I can’t say I’m not happy about that. However, I don’t mean to imply that I “hate” PZ or that he is entirely to blame as a “Shepherd of Trolls”, though the line made me laugh. It’s really not an easy discussion to wrap your head around. The topic of sexism, harassment, etc. is easy to figure out, but the rhetoric and dismissiveness in some of the “discussion” is ludicrous.

Related: Richard Dawkins writes to defend Sam Harris using a PZ Myers example in It's What Moral Philosophers Do. Huh...calm, reasoned thought and diplomacy! Who would consider such a crazy concept?

Cristina Rad - Gender Roles, Trolls & Sexual Harassment Policies Finally on this particular topic, we have the most reasoned thing anyone has had to say about all this.

And then Barton’s book gets pulled!

'Plans' don't include sale to gay couple I do believe the Catholic Church done fucked up!

Israel’s Fading Democracy Of course any mention of this results in being called an anti-Semite.

Possible Egyptian pyramids found using Google Earth I really look forward to this technology being employed more often for this in the remote areas of the world. There really are a lot of areas where you can walk over a network of roads/causeways or even a low pyramid and not know it. I know. I’ve done it. It wasn’t until an expensive, labor intensive survey was undertaken until we realized the jungle floor we walked across for a few weeks was a causeway leading to that hill. *one week later* Holy shit that’s not a hill!

Catholic Kung Fu Nuns This was just for the lulz.

The Conservative Lorax WATCH THIS NOW!