is a war going on for your mind;” a war being fought on battlefields and on
billboards, in universities and Sunday schools, in blogs and boardrooms,
capitol buildings and city parks. From Wall Street to Main Street, from Kabul
to Kansas City, the combined facts of seven thousand years of civilization and
seven billion human beings struggling to eat, breathe, live and believe are all
coming to a head. It has many names and many forms, running the gamut from
Terror to Women to Drugs to Christmas—all inextricably linked by the immense
power of ideas and the belief systems that propagate them.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Quiet Company Makes Some Loud Statements
Check these guys out. Pop-y, accessible, atheist.
Stream their new album 'We Are All Where We Belong' via Bandcamp.com.
Stream their new album 'We Are All Where We Belong' via Bandcamp.com.
Anti-Religion Radio,
Quiet Company
Friday, May 25, 2012
Henry Rollins Ranting Like A Boss
Outdated, but sadly still relevant.
Henry Rollins,
Friday Link Dump ~ 5/25/12

The Center Of All Things We are a tiny, insignificant speck of matter in the vast and indifferent Cosmos. Good morning!!
Justifiable Fear of Atheism This is a response to Martin S Pribble’s Fear of Atheism. Mr. Pribble had the good manners to promote his critic rather than just lash out. This is a gentlemen’s game, after all.
There are so many logical fallacies in the following paragraph. At least one per sentence by my count.
"Atheism is dangerous. It claims logic and evidence for itself, but it cannot prove its own position with either logic or evidence. Its main thesis is Materialism which is demonstrably false, being unable to prove its own tenets under its own evidentiary theory, rendering it non-coherent and irrational. Further, Atheist reasoning is post hoc rationalization, and never syllogistic deduction: so it is demonstrably irrational.”
So atheism is dangerous because it uses reason to deny a false positive yet refuses to claim proof for a negative. The knowledge of reason without the arrogance of faith. It must scare the blazing hell out of this guy.
BREAKING: NAACP Endorses Marriage Equality Ask yourself why this is breaking news. You know, don’t you?
Church Member Defends Pastor Worley. I Subsequently Have An Aneurysm
You see, you can’t say something is taken out of context when the entire context is hateful vitriol. Watch how angry she gets when Anderson Cooper separates the fundamentalist adherence to scripture from the good ‘ol southern bigotry. That’s one sly silverfox.
The Escapist : News : DC Says One Of Its"Iconic" Heroes Is Gay They will probably pick someone who does not have a younger sidekick to avoid pedo stereotypes. I'm guessing Plastic Man. But only because Martian Manhunter has a funny name.
Nikola Tesla Wasn't God And Thomas Edison Wasn't The Devil
Our Cyborg Future: Man Embeds Magnets In Wrist To Make Strapless Watch Crazy? Or bad-ass? You decide.
How would the public react if Seti found evidence of alien life? Yeah, we tend to try to kill stuff we don’t understand.
A Message to Girls About Religious Men Who Fear You “If you were not powerful, they would not take you so seriously and they take you very, very seriously. You should, too. You can set the world on fire.”
The Religious Extremists Who Want to Ban the Internet A mis-named article. They really want to censor the internet within their own community. The funny part is the amount of technology used to coordinate the event.
The Urge to Sext Naked Self-Portraits Is Primal The urge to ignore other people in the room to chat with strangers from the other side of the planet is fairly new.
Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US Book banning continues in Arizona schools. If only I had a list of banned books when I was a teenager. I would be much more cultured now.
Apostasy: Feelings of Loss & Liberation – By Troythulu
Friday Link Dump,
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Church Member Defends Pastor Worley. I Subsequently Have An Aneurysm
Good grief...where to begin....
For reference:
Religious Hate,
Sam Harris on Libertarianism
Sam Harris,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
NC Pastor: Put all the "lesbians and queers" behind a fence and wait for them to die.
Pastor Charles L. Worley: "I figured a way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers…Build a great, big, large fence — 150 or 100 mile long — put all the lesbians in there... Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can't get out… And you know what, in a few years, they'll die."
Congregation: “Amen!”
Nope. No homophobia problem in American Christianity. Move along. Nothing to see here…
via Towleroad
American Taliban,
Defense of Equality,
Random Quotes,
Religious Hate,
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The Center Of All Things
via The Thinking Atheist
This is the recently updated version of the original video from December 2010. The original can be found here.
The Thinking Atheist,
Saturday, May 19, 2012
How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
Defense of Equality,
Friday, May 18, 2012
Friday Link Dump ~ 5/18/12
Which side of history will you be on? |
“...such statements should be encouraged. Do traditional religious values not say that those sins are equal? Perhaps if more people wrote about what their intolerant faith has them believing more often, fewer people would keep such faith.”
I have to agree with Karli on this one. This teacher has every right to post this on his facebook page. Contrary to popular opinion, freedom of speech includes speech that I don’t like.Fighting the the killing of 'cursed' infants I have written about this type of atrocity before. This is the worst case scenario for tribal superstition.
This View of Life: The New Atheism and Evolutionary Religious Studies: Clarifying Their Relationship
Heavy Penalties for Witches at Liberty University Liberty prefers to dictate the type of magical thinking of its students.
Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived So much innovation came from this one mind. But most of us never heard of him because he had no desire to make money from his inventions.
Homophobes and Neo Nazis: Behind The Conservative War on LGBT Can I point out that if you are choosing sides on an issue, and you find Neo Nazis on your side...You may want to reconsider your position. Just sayin.
Isolating the Youth “...available evidence shows that anti-gay activism is souring young people on Christianity.”
Because Of Abstinence Education, 60 Percent Of Young Adults Are Misinformed About Birth Control's Effectiveness “40 percent of respondents said that birth control doesn’t matter because “when it is your time to get pregnant, it will happen.”
MSNBC Host Tamron Hall Throws Conservative Weasel Tim Carney Off The Air Journalism with integrity. What a revolutionary idea.
Bill Donohue: "Nature Has Ordained" That Only Men And Women "Can Have A Family. Gay People Have Been Disqualified From Nature" I wonder if regular Catholics are embarrassed by the venom that comes from this representative of their religion of peace.
The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine Yuk! When the modern Christian ritualistically eats the flesh of their religious leader through transubstantiation, it just tastes like bread.
Friday Link Dump,
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I saw this on Tumblr and laughed my ass off.
SLAM YOUR FACE ON THE KEYBOARD: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
James Randi destroys Peter Popoff
James Randi,
Religious Insanity,
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
NOM Bigots Celebrate Amendment One
If you don't think that homophobia and LGBT discrimination isn't a Christian problem in America then you are kidding yourselves.
The grassroots campaigns are done via churches and church leaders. Where does the money come from for all this campaigning? Churches and church-led groups. The entire justification for their stance is Biblical.
2:00 "...the whole point, is simply that you don't rewrite the nature of God's design for marriage based on the demands of a group of dolts*."
"That's right!"
*I listened to this at least a dozen times and I swear she is saying "dolts." A "group of adults" doesn't really make sense in this context.
Defense of Equality,
Religious Hate,
Friday Link Dump ~ 5/11/12
Agnosticism vs. Atheism – Who Ya Got?
Discovery: Did a Copying Mistake Make Humans So Smart? By “mistake” they mean mutation. Evolution succeeds precisely because it is a “flawed” process. Cells do not always make identical copies of themselves. Those changes can lead to new specific genetic traits. This would be a good place for the “Guided Evolution” crowd to stash their Creator.
Submission and Respect for Faith
Since Children Choose To Be Homosexual, They Obviously Deserve To Be Punched This ass-hat got a standing ovation at his church after the media firestorm about his bigoted sermon.
“President” Bartlet Quotes Scripture
Amendment 1 Passes In North Carolina Seriously. Fuck North Carolina. Fuck it right in the ear.
North Carolina Voters Approve Marriage Inequality Amendment
News Anchor Confronts North Carolina Pastor
Penn Jillette on Piers Morgan's show Via Lady Atheist "Jillette gets grilled on atheism by a devout Catholic. I admire him for not busting out laughing and actually answering the stupid questions. "How does an atheist fix the economy?" What the heck? Do Christians run the economy through prayer? Well, actually that would explain a few things."
Life scientists unlock mystery of how 'handedness' arises Discovery: Did a Copying Mistake Make Humans So Smart? By “mistake” they mean mutation. Evolution succeeds precisely because it is a “flawed” process. Cells do not always make identical copies of themselves. Those changes can lead to new specific genetic traits. This would be a good place for the “Guided Evolution” crowd to stash their Creator.
Mitt Romney’s Gay Problem
Mitten’s Mormonism
The Trouble with Profiling : A guest post by Bruce Schneier A response to Sam Harris’ blog posts on airport security profiling:
Jeff Bezos's "Blue Origin" Space Company Reveals Spacecraft Design
Discovery: Human Body Part That Stumped Leonardo da Vinci Revealed Now that is the true sign of transcendent genius; When we are surprised that da Vinci didn’t know something 100 years before everyone else.
Republicans Get In My Vagina!
More Evidence of Mars’ Watery Past
Using the Microsoft Kinect to Detect Autism
UN Investigator: U.S. Should Return Some Land to the Indians Ahem, they’re called “Native Americans” not “Indians” you insensitive savage. *puffs electric cigarette*
The reports of dinosaurs dying of farts are greatly exaggerated What a relief!
Headline-spectrum of the day: Dino-apocalypse by ‘wind’ The Science Bit makes short work of these articles.
Ex-Gay Activist Says Being Gay and Christian is 'Blackface' Wow. Just. Wow.
Dawkins on Scientific Education
The Mother Lode of pro-evolution & anti-creationist videos HAIL DARWIN
Update on Student Who Wore ‘Life is Wasted Without Jesus’ Shirt OK, so I defended this kid when this story first came out because I thought he should be able to express himself – even if what he said was unpopular. Maybe the whole thing got blown out of proportion. But after returning to school with the same t-shirt and the apparent smug satisfaction of a member of the only cultural majority that somehow gets to cry persecution…now he just looks like another obnoxious fundie telling people that they are going to Hell.
Q&BA: Which moon has the best chance for life?
Life scientists unlock mystery of how 'handedness' arises We live in a totalitarian right-handed world. Don’t believe me? Try using a chainsaw, weed whacker a decent pair of scissors with your left hand. For that matter, try signing one of those little credit card screens at the supermarket with that little plastic pen that’s always tied to the right side of the signature pad. You want to talk about persecution? It’s about time we got to the bottom of this.
And now, Arnold Schwarzenegger cordially shaking hands with the Predator Give peace a chance.
Random Quotes: The Antichrist is Coming!
I would like to shrug my shoulders and say. "What took him so long?" but then I remember that he is the first president in history to openly support SSM.
This Week In History: Vladimir Putin Wins Russian Presidency After Promising He Can Bend Anything With Bare Hands (2000)
Discovery: Did a Copying Mistake Make Humans So Smart? By “mistake” they mean mutation. Evolution succeeds precisely because it is a “flawed” process. Cells do not always make identical copies of themselves. Those changes can lead to new specific genetic traits. This would be a good place for the “Guided Evolution” crowd to stash their Creator.
Submission and Respect for Faith
Since Children Choose To Be Homosexual, They Obviously Deserve To Be Punched This ass-hat got a standing ovation at his church after the media firestorm about his bigoted sermon.
“President” Bartlet Quotes Scripture
Amendment 1 Passes In North Carolina Seriously. Fuck North Carolina. Fuck it right in the ear.
North Carolina Voters Approve Marriage Inequality Amendment
News Anchor Confronts North Carolina Pastor
Penn Jillette on Piers Morgan's show Via Lady Atheist "Jillette gets grilled on atheism by a devout Catholic. I admire him for not busting out laughing and actually answering the stupid questions. "How does an atheist fix the economy?" What the heck? Do Christians run the economy through prayer? Well, actually that would explain a few things."
Life scientists unlock mystery of how 'handedness' arises Discovery: Did a Copying Mistake Make Humans So Smart? By “mistake” they mean mutation. Evolution succeeds precisely because it is a “flawed” process. Cells do not always make identical copies of themselves. Those changes can lead to new specific genetic traits. This would be a good place for the “Guided Evolution” crowd to stash their Creator.
Mitt Romney’s Gay Problem
Mitten’s Mormonism
The Trouble with Profiling : A guest post by Bruce Schneier A response to Sam Harris’ blog posts on airport security profiling:
Jeff Bezos's "Blue Origin" Space Company Reveals Spacecraft Design
Discovery: Human Body Part That Stumped Leonardo da Vinci Revealed Now that is the true sign of transcendent genius; When we are surprised that da Vinci didn’t know something 100 years before everyone else.
Republicans Get In My Vagina!
More Evidence of Mars’ Watery Past
Using the Microsoft Kinect to Detect Autism
UN Investigator: U.S. Should Return Some Land to the Indians Ahem, they’re called “Native Americans” not “Indians” you insensitive savage. *puffs electric cigarette*
The reports of dinosaurs dying of farts are greatly exaggerated What a relief!
Headline-spectrum of the day: Dino-apocalypse by ‘wind’ The Science Bit makes short work of these articles.
Ex-Gay Activist Says Being Gay and Christian is 'Blackface' Wow. Just. Wow.
Dawkins on Scientific Education
The Mother Lode of pro-evolution & anti-creationist videos HAIL DARWIN
Update on Student Who Wore ‘Life is Wasted Without Jesus’ Shirt OK, so I defended this kid when this story first came out because I thought he should be able to express himself – even if what he said was unpopular. Maybe the whole thing got blown out of proportion. But after returning to school with the same t-shirt and the apparent smug satisfaction of a member of the only cultural majority that somehow gets to cry persecution…now he just looks like another obnoxious fundie telling people that they are going to Hell.
Q&BA: Which moon has the best chance for life?
Life scientists unlock mystery of how 'handedness' arises We live in a totalitarian right-handed world. Don’t believe me? Try using a chainsaw, weed whacker a decent pair of scissors with your left hand. For that matter, try signing one of those little credit card screens at the supermarket with that little plastic pen that’s always tied to the right side of the signature pad. You want to talk about persecution? It’s about time we got to the bottom of this.
And now, Arnold Schwarzenegger cordially shaking hands with the Predator Give peace a chance.
Random Quotes: The Antichrist is Coming!
I would like to shrug my shoulders and say. "What took him so long?" but then I remember that he is the first president in history to openly support SSM.
This Week In History: Vladimir Putin Wins Russian Presidency After Promising He Can Bend Anything With Bare Hands (2000)
Friday Link Dump,
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mitten's Mormonism
is spelled incorrectly, but that hardly matters when your religion is so
obviously* batshit stupid.
is fair game to judge politicians. It is integral to how they think, how they
relate to the world (aka “reality”), and their level of rationality. If the
lack of religion is fair game, and it is, then what one believes and the
veracity of those beliefs is fair game. Mormonism is so quite obviously
fraudulent that it hardly warrants the energy to mock it.
it is just so easy!
that is relative, isn’t it?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Daniel Dennett - Science & Free Will
Daniel Dennett,
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Random Quotes: The Antichrist is Coming!
Via RightWingWatch
I thought the Antichrist was Nero?
I thought the Antichrist was Jewish?
I thought the Antichrist was Napoleon?
I thought the Antichrist was Adolf Hitler?
I thought the Antichrist was Joseph Stalin?
I thought the Antichrist was to come out of Soviet Russia?
I thought the Antichrist was Ronald Reagan?
I thought the Antichrist was Saddam Hussein?
I thought the Antichrist was Pope Benedict XVI?
Along with nearly every Pope since the Reformation…
I thought the Antichrist was Barack Obama?
On and on…
People are nuts. And stupid.
End of Days,
Random Quotes,
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Friday Link Dump 5/4/12
We Are Godless: Our yearly National Day of
Reason post.
an atheist is causing a good man to fight for custody of his daughter: This
whole thing broke on Tuesday and blew up real quick! I am happy to report that
Jordan hit his needed goal for fundraising in less than 48 hours (if that) and
exceed it. I talked to him as the whole thing was breaking and he is
overwhelmed with gratitude. We have his back in the future as well. Go to the Facebook page to
check everything out for yourself. As a father of a little girl I cannot
imagine what he is going through. Hat tip to Reed from The Crackpot Chronicle for the interview.
The Anti-Faithist: Man, someone
tell that dude to take it down a notch…
Sam Harris...I Am Disappoint: Updated to
include his rebuttal addendum. I still think he is wrong.
more, with feeling: ‘Weather’ is NOT ‘climate’: Seriously, if you’re not
reading The Science Bit you are
losing out. Brian does a great job of destroying bad representations of science
in the media.
congress: “Everybody knows that it is
perfectly acceptable to say anything you like about religion. Anything. Go on,
try it. Nobody will care one way or the other.”
God on Trial: The Verdict: I posted this
about two months ago but it is just so brilliant I had to break it out again. I
put it on my personal Facebook wall with the message: “Today is the National Day of Prayer. I would remind those that believe
in the God of Abraham what kind of god they are praying to if it were true.”
It got a few likes. Not one response. Keep in mind my Facebook page is
intentionally pretty small. I actually know most of the people on there. They
are family and friends from high school, college and grad school. The majority
are believers of some sort. I always wonder if they actually read or watch the
things I post. I wonder what they think...
Dan Savage Discusses the Bible: Obviously he
is getting a lot of flak for this. Obviously, I think he is dead on.
spacecraft: 'Revolutionary' engine design tested: Very cool, but that
sounds suspiciously like “Cylon.”
Plasma Rocket Could Travel to Mars in
39 Days: This is more like it! Plus it’s an Amurrican company! Fuck yeah!
Random Quotes: Religious Set Aside Their Differences…for
“…how can we be expected to be tolerant
of religions that preach intolerance?”
Catholics, a Door to Absolution Is Reopened: Indulgences are back! Such
convoluted garbage. It amazes and depresses me that anyone would adhere to
Left Daniel Chong to Drink Urine in Cell: Awful story. Screw the DEA and
the Obama Administration for the rapid and dramatic increase in the ineffectual
drug war.
Wife Of Key Legislator Behind North Carolina’s Anti-Gay Amendment Claims It
Would Protect ‘Caucasian’ Race Why that’s just crazy.
Schools as
Scapegoats via Practical Doubt
scientists say they have found oldest human blood: That Otzi guy is a
Superhero” Phoenix Jones Spawns “Real-Life Supervillain” Rex Velvet: I find
this hilarious. Of course I am a nerd that remembers an episode of Batman: The Animated Series where Batman
is put on trial by the inmates of Arkham Asylum and the question is asked “who
created whom?”
Much Ado
about Nothing: “For millennia humans simply said, ‘God did it’: a creator existed
before the universe and brought it into existence out of nothing. But this just
begs the question of what created God—and if God does not need a creator, logic
dictates that neither does the universe.”
Minister To Atheist: A Story Of Losing Faith: "I just kind of realized — I mean just a eureka moment, not an
epiphany, a eureka moment — I'm an atheist," she says. "I don't
believe. And in the moment that I uttered that word, I stumbled and choked on
that word — atheist."
loss of faith started with loss of hell: This is a great example of why we
cannot be ignorant of theology and think that we will inevitably get through to
people via science and reason. For some people it’s much more visceral and
emotional than that. We need a multi-pronged approach.
deGrasse Tyson: The most astounding fact: Another amazing cartoon from Zen
Pencils. I attempted to embed the cartoon as a standalone post,
but it just wouldn’t work in Blogger. I hate you, Blogger. I hate you so bad…
Discover The Oldest, Largest Body Of Water In Existence--In Space: This
article is from July 2011, but it’s news to me and very cool!
Friday Link Dump
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